Customize Your Site

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This is your dashboard

When you log in, you will be taken to your Dashboard.

The dashboard is the central location to view and manage your website. Here you'll be able to view the performance statistics of your website like visits and engagement, though there won't be much to see before you launch.

To learn more about site overview click here.

Editing your website

To access the website editor, click the Edit button on your Dashboard.

Add your business information

On the left panel, click the Content tab.

Here you will find and select Business Info, Business Text, Business Images to update with your own content.

Business information

This area allows you to set all of your business information that will automatically populate on your pages so you don't have to update each page. Things like your business name, phone number, social media links, and business hours can be set and edited at any time.

Business text

Your main content blocks live here and will show up nice and pretty on the appropriate pages.

About us

The "about us" section on your site is an opportunity to introduce yourself and share a little bit about your company. Whether you're focusing on your business' brand story or offering a peek at the founders behind the company, you want to cover topics like why you do what you do, what kind of services you provide, and what makes you unique.

Company overview

This section is to talk about the structure of your company

Business services

What does your dispensary do? Do you cater to a specific need of consumers?


Set your global styles

Make sweeping design decisions on your fonts, colors, buttons, etc. with global styles.

On the left panel, click the Design tab.

Under the Global Text category, choose the font, size, and color for the different headings. Flynt will automatically update all of the text on your site to match.

Choose how you want your buttons to look under the Global Buttons setting.

When you edit an individual element on a page, it will override the global styles that you have set.

Add your own photos

The best way to make a website feel like your own is to replace the photos with your own. Don't have any? Don't worry! Flynt has an entire collection of images from Shutterstock that you can peruse and use - all included within your subscription.

Last updated